Optimize operations with comprehensive enterprise software.

Streamline operations with an all-in-one enterprise solution, harmonizing processes for efficiency, collaboration, and growth. 


Angelique International Limited


Engineering Procurement Construction


Uttar Pradesh, India

“At Angelique International Limited, our partnership with the NEWTON ERP system exemplifies our dedication to technological advancement and operational excellence, enabling us to thrive as a global leader in the EPC sector.”

Ajay Goyal, CEO, Angelique International Limited

Angelique International Limited has constantly demonstrated a dedication to growth and innovation since its establishment in 1996. Another significant development in their success story is the recent incorporation of the NEWTON ERP system. With a revenue close to US$250 million, this EPC powerhouse specializes in turnkey projects in the power, water, irrigation, agriculture, and industrial sectors. It serves clients in markets around the world, including those in Africa, South East Asia, the Saarc, the Middle East, and Latin America & the Caribbean.

The business operations of Angelique International Limited have been completely transformed by the implementation of the NEWTON ERP system. The organization has seen a tremendous increase in productivity as a result of streamlining and automating crucial procedures like procurement, inventory management, project planning, and financial management. Decision-makers are now better able to make educated decisions because of real-time data access and analytics, which has improved project schedules, cut operating costs, and optimized resource allocation.

Additionally, the system’s capacity to interact with different departments without interruption has promoted cross-functional cooperation, fostering a culture of synergy and creativity. Through precise project monitoring, prompt updates, and open communication, the NEWTON ERP system has been instrumental in raising customer satisfaction.

The alliance between Angelique International Limited and the NEWTON ERP system demonstrates their commitment to technology development and operational excellence. This effective execution serves as evidence of their capacity to adjust and prosper in a competitive the environment that is always changing, further establishing their position as a market leader in the EPC sector.

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